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Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year = Hitting the RESET Button

Everyone has been talking about the "end of the world" because the Mayan calendar doesn't go any further than 2012...Honestly, it's just a bunch of hogwash in my book!  Whether it's true or not, there's nothing that we can do about it, right?  So why not have a really good year?  One of the things I really like about New Year's Day is the hopes and possibilities that are before us.  It's a time to meditate on what has worked the past year, what hasn't, what you were able to accomplish, what you weren't and then set some new goals to try to achieve.  Many people have given up on doing this saying that they've never actually achieved any goal they set up for themselves on New Year's Day but I think that's kind of sad...does that mean that those people have also lost the ability to hope and dream?  That's what I think the setting of goals at the beginning of the year reflects - our inner hopes and dreams, the will to TRY to achieve what if you don't succeed, isn't it important that you tried anyway??  In fact, you know what my New Year's Resolution is going to be this year?  I am going to try to set one goal or resolution for myself at the beginning of every month this year!  It's going to be New Year's Day on the first of every month and I'll have the entire month to work toward that goal!  I don't care if I complete the goal or not because I like having things to challenge me, things to look forward to and if I can accomplish only half of those twelve goals, I think that's pretty darn good, don't you?  So, anyone else going to join me on this goal-setting journey?

Happy New Year's Day 2012!!  Be safe, be happy, be healthy, and make it a great year for yourself and your families!

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