1) The creator of this taste/olfactory (smell) enhancer is a neurologist and has a so-called team of medical professionals listed on the website, all of which do not include ANOTHER neurologist. I wonder why that is...no, really...I wonder why?
2) Anything that claims to be a taste or smell enhancer, my hackles get raised because the red light in my brain goes off with the thought of it being an excitotoxin (also known as MSG or MSG derivative/relation). For those of you that don't know my stand on this, let me refer you to an older blog entry "Flavor Enhancers" - and the short of it is I DON'T LIKE THEM nor do I like what they cause to happen in our bodies (migraines and elevated heart rate for me).
3) The website shows clinical studies information but these seem to have all been conducted by the Sensa(R) creator, Dr. Alan Hirsch - I'd like to see some clinical trials conducted by other neurologists and specialists using the scientific method.
4) Not that I wholeheartedly trust the government but this seems to be labeled as a supplement (I've searched on the FDA's website and there's no mention of it) which means it doesn't have to really prove that it does what it says it does, nor does it need enough scientific research to be placed on the market. I know that goes for most of the vitamins on the market now too but still, it's something to think about.
5) Did a little bit of web surfing on it and found Henry the Health Hound's website had an interesting article about Sensa (R) - you can check it out here. Also, see what WebMD has to say about it here. Lastly, Consumer Affairs has their say about it here. But don't stop there, if you're really thinking about trying this out, make sure you do P-L-E-N-T-Y of research beforehand.
So to be a pain, I emailed the company and requested their ingredient list -- we'll see if I hear back from them or not. I'll update the blog when and if I hear from them. In the meantime, be careful of miracles because they're usually not what they seem like on the surface.

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UPDATE Jan.9, 2012.
ReplyDeleteHere's the SENSA(R) response email that I received:
Dear Gilda,
Thank you for contacting Sensa.
Sensa was developed by Dr. Allan Hirsch and all ingredients are found on the FDA's GRAS List (Generally Recognized as Safe). If you have any medical concerns whatsoever, please consult your Physician.
The exact combinations of the SENSA blends are proprietary and patent-pending. However, no flavors are derived from meat sources and there is no mushroom, nutmeg, cinnamon, fish or garlic. Some flavors may contain milk and soy derived ingredients. Soy and Milk ingredients may be found as constituents of some of the natural and artificial flavoring agents. The Soy in SENSA is Soy-Lecithin. The Maltodextrin in SENSA is made up of easily digestible carbohydrates made from natural corn starch.
Please be advised that we have included the ingredients below.
Sensa ingredients consist of the following:
Maltodextrin - derived from corn in the USA (used in baby food and sports drinks)
Soy and milk ingredients - less than 10 mg
Tricalcium Phosphate - natural anti-caking agent that is also used in yogurt and spices
Silicia - common mineral found in potatoes, cucumbers and peppers
SENSA is sodium-free, sugar-free, calorie free, gluten-free, and there are no stimulants, drugs or MSG.
Sensa Tastants enhance the smell of your food; it does not change the smell of your food. As you eat, smell and taste, receptors send messages to your brain which release hormones that tell your body it's time to stop eating. This is a phenomenon we call Sensory Specific Satiety. By enhancing smell, Sensa Tastants were designed to help speed up the process and trigger your "I feel full" signal, so you eat less and feel more satisfied. Because Sensa works with your body's natural impulses, rather than against them, there are no feelings of hunger or intense cravings; so you eat less.
If you have any additional questions, please contact customer service at 1-866-514-2554, Monday through Saturday 7 am to 4 pm (PST), as well as live chat via our web site under the contact us tab Monday through Friday 6 am to 3 pm (PST).