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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Most of Humanity isn't Humane...

Toward animals but, most importantly, toward other humans.  There are people who believe they are good-hearted and humanitarians but are they?  Are you? Am I?  Honestly, not always and that shames me.  I mean, really think about it.  I've been watching and listening to people; it's a bit depressing.  Let's take a hypothetical example.  Let's say there's a person in your circle of friends that found out that they will be very sick in a few years so instead of taking a load of pills for the rest of their life they decide to change their lifestyle.  They change their eating habits and change their activities and it's working really well for them and their health.  They look healthier, have more energy, and are finding other friends who share their fervor for a particular exercise activity. Would you put this person down for doing this?  No, probably not, at least not out loud.  But, would you constantly be telling them that they should "slow down" or constantly ask "why do you have to exercise three times a week? I'm sure once a week would be fine.".  How about showing up at a potluck that you know they're going to be at and bringing the one dish you know they have a difficult time resisting then saying to everyone else "mmm, so-and-so can't eat this anymore but that doesn't mean you & I can't, right? Ha ha ha!"  Have you seen or heard any of this or anything similar?  Why do people do this?  It's like no one can stand to see anyone succeed unless they're successful too!  So is it the mentality of "well, I'm fat as a cow and I'll be damned if so-and-so gets skinny and healthy"?  I don't know but I hate witnessing this sort of thing, hate it even more when I'm on the receiving end of it.  "Oh, sorry, I forgot you're vegan and can't have this nonvegan mocha chocolate cake that I made for your birthday!"  Grrrr, really??

Or, how about helping other humans?  When was the last time you drove past someone whose car stalled in the middle of the road?  Maybe a woman with a couple of kids in the car trying frantically to call someone to help her on her cell phone and causing a traffic jam?  Did you drive angrily past her?  Did you slow down for a moment and ask yourself if you should stop to offer to help her move her car to the side of the road?  What do you think our forefathers a few decades ago would've done?  I know that my grandfather would've stopped on the side of the road and helped her when he was able to do so.  When was the last time you stopped and asked a homeless person if they'd like a bag of groceries and then gave them a bag of nonperishable food just because you could?

So, the next time you feel the need to be passive-aggressive about a friend's positive progression or you think someone else is going to help the person that needs help, think about it...why not ask your friend to help you get on the same track...why can't you be THAT person that helps the helpless...

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My Zimbio

1 comment:

  1. Nice article; people (myself included) should always strive to be better than we are and supportive, friends, family and strangers alike.
